Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Is This the Simplest, but Most Effective, Sales Strategy Ever?

Yes, yes, I know claims like that in the title are seen more regularly than a roach in a big city apartment, but I think the ideas behind the strategy I’m about to comment on, might just be real winners.

(Actually, I know they are, but that’s between you and me. OK?)

See here how it was used very successfully with a Get Paid to Drive Your Own Car scheme.

Firstly, I suppose the idea is a bit of a variation on the old adage used for scripting a business presentation:

1. Tell them what you’re going to tell them (sets the scene, gets the audience interested)

2. Tell them (provides the benefits to the listening audience)

3. Tell them what you told them (summarises and tells the audience what to do next)

But, for sales strategies, the idea goes like this:

1. Here’s what I’ve got for you (sets the scene, gets the client’s interest)

2. Here’s what it will do for you (provides details of how it will benefit the client)

3. Here’s what I want you to do next (how the client can start to turn an idea into a tangible benefit)

Now, what could be simpler than that?

A very good friend of mine recently launched a new business, taking full advantage of the massive increase in the price of gas (petrol). His timing was excellent and while the actual business idea wasn’t new, the way he sold it, using the simple strategy above, worked a treat.

He used it with the hugely popular GPT or Get Paid To…. in this case, get paid to drive your own car.

He joined forces with advertisers who make extensive use of billboards, and used the simple three-step strategy to sell them the idea of switching at least a substantial number of their static billboards, into mobile billboards, using Joe Public and their ordinary private cars. What he had for the advertisers was a substantial reduction in the cost of their billboard advertising (#1 above). He told them exactly what savings would accrue and presented them with detailed financial projections (#2 above), with scenarios based upon different multiple numbers of mobile billboards. He told them that he would return in 10 days, with a commitment from as many car owners as they wanted, up to 100 each to start with, and would at that time, present them with a contract that they could sign there and then (#3 above) - their lawyers would have already approved it.

He had already set up a website, fully SEO optimized, to attract car owners who wanted to get paid to drive their own car to totally cover the cost of their gas (petrol). They would do this by agreeing to wrap their cars in an advert from one or other of a number of well known and highly acceptable advertisers. In any case, the car owner would always have the option of saying no, if he or she disapproved of the product being advertised.

In addition he took out quarter page ads in several local/regional newspapers and a 30 second ad on a couple of commercial radio stations.

To attract car owners, my friend adopted again the simple three-step strategy.

For (#1 above) he told interested people who owned a car (any car, SUV, truck or MPV), that they could earn a substantial new income every month. For (#2 above), he told them that this would totally cover their gas or petrol bill AND a leave a lot more to cover the car’s maintenance and even its insurance. In some cases, he told them, it would even leave some over for saving or for spending on car improvements. The easiest was for (#3 above), when he told them all they had to do was go to his website and complete the registration.

All was 100% free. No charges whatsoever. My friend made his money from the advertisers so he could ensure that Joe Public didn’t have to pay one single cent.

Now, is that three-step sales strategy a good deal or what?


Michael is British and a long term resident of Asia (Hong Kong and now Malaysia). After 25 years with a global banking leader, he now has a successful consulting business which has branched out to include database/direct marketing aswell as Internet and Affiliate Marketing. Michael may be contacted through his web site, and for the topic of this article please see His management consulting company and contact details are at

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